We have two cats, Ginger (born 2017) and a new kitten, born May 2022. Because the kitten is such an explorer, and we like puns, we named him Pounce De Leon. Here are some pictures!


When we were looking for a new kitten, we investigated a couple of rescue places, but we heard through a friend of a friend about one family needing adoption. Their foster mom sent us this video. Keep your eye on the one playing with the blue toy at the start. After that it's like the shell game. We went to visit them in San Jose and fell in love with that one. After they got their vet visit and shots, we brought him home in early August.

At foster mom's with his bear.

Fascinated by Jen's World of Warcraft screen.

Looking up from the cat tree. Kittens are so flexible!

Pounce and Ginger

We were a little worried that Ginger, currently 5 years old and 15 pounds, would beat up on the kitten, currently 4 pounds. But, the opposite was true. Pounce chases Ginger around and Ginger mostly runs away and hisses. They do play together a little. At least we think they are both playing. Pounce bats at Ginger, they roll around a little, then Ginger has had enough and swats him. Pounce chases Ginger a little until she hisses and goes to hide. Hopefully it will even out later when he is a little less playful.

Sometimes they are together peacefully. It's a trick of perspective, they aren't really the same size (yet).

Coexisting in our apartment on Palma Street. Pounce is almost a year old.


This picture was taken by our pet nanny while we were on a long weekend at Lake Tahoe, June 23, 2020. Ginger has gotten to be quite a porker at 14 pounds. We had fed them wet food every morning for a few weeks while Annie had an infection, and now Ginger feels she deserves wet food every morning. She meows up a storm until Jen gets her coffee going and she realizes today isn't the day.

Dave played a lot with Ginger when she was a kitten so she lets him rub her tummy, hold her upside down, and wave her paws. Kids, don't try this at home!

In the picture above, she is about 8 months old and weighs more than 10 pounds. In the picture below, she is about a month old and weighs 2.4 pounds, with a pen for scale. At least now her head looks more proportional to the rest of her body!

Here's a family portrait (without Annie, who was hiding, and also without our horse Jaleo, who wouldn't fit)

Ginger's first week (2017)

Our new kitten is named Ginger. A friend of a friend runs a cat rescue organization in Menlo Park and she recommended Ginger. We picked her up on Wednesday, June 21 2017. She was a few weeks old.

She was 2.4 pounds and after three weeks she is almost 4 pounds. Annie is about 10 pounds but it is surprising how much bigger she is compared to the kitten.

How can this even be comfortable?

In Memorium: Cats we loved who are no longer with us.